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Paulo Henrique - Treinador de Goleiros

Paulo Henrique Pessoa Lima de Sousa

Contact: 85 99226.2463


Address: Rua Dandiz Cirino, 26 A, Sapupara - Maranguape - Ceará

Marital Status: Married


Goalkeeper Coach


Fortaleza Esporte Club | 2015 - 2022

Physically and technically prepare goalkeepers, teaching and advising on exercises, techniques, principles and rules, to ensure the ideal physical and technical preparation for training and countries. Respond from goalkeepers by jump, technical emergency attack, takedown training training, placement, penalty, attack, attack according to category, attack according to category, attack according to category, for good performance in training and countries. Warm up reserve and first-team goalkeepers for training and football competitions.


Maranguape Futebol CLube | 2010 - 2015

Physically and technically prepare goalkeepers, teaching and advising on exercises, techniques, principles and rules, to ensure the ideal physical and technical preparation for training and competitions. Responsible for the technical preparation of goalkeepers, developing strength and intensity, training takedown, jumping, placement, penalty, attack, positioning and catching the ball, in the physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects, according to the category, for the good performance in training and competitions. Warm up reserve and first-team goalkeepers for training and football competitions.


Physical Education

Universidade Vale do Acaraú | 2015 - 2021


IFCE -Football Methodology

Interactive Football - Advanced Goalkeeper Training

Ball Science - Goalkeeper Training concept and application Interactive Football - Football Initiantion is Base.


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Associação Brasileira de Treinadores & Goleiros / Monitores Futebol - CNPJ : 41.032.754/0001-00 - Ribeirão Preto - Brasil / Sede administrativa Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo

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